Courses for the MASTER of SCIENCE DEGREE in NUCLEAR ENGINEERING through Kansas State University
NE 620, Gen IV Reactor Design Prerequisites: NE 495 Elements of Nuclear Engineering* or equivalent Introduction to the broad field of nuclear reactor design with an emphasis on Generation IV (Gen-IV) nuclear power reactors, a discussion of each of six primary Gen-IV technologies, and the motivation for pursuing each technology. Learn the nuclear reactor design process, including the calculation of hot channel factors, power distribution, thermal efficiency, breeding ratio, and peak fuel temperature. Students groups will provide a detailed Gen-IV reactor model designed to address a given set of objectives.
NE 620, Problems/Probabilistic Risk Assessment and Fire Safety, Prerequisites: NE 495 Elements of Nuclear Engineering* or equivalent This course introduces fire safety fundamentals, Monte Carlo methods for probabilistic risk assessment, and application of risk assessment methods to nuclear facility safety analysis. The fire safety portion discusses the basic chemical processes involved in combustion and fire issues; mass, energy, and species conservation; premixed flames; ignition dynamics; and the physical processes relevant to analyze flame spread on materials, fire heights, and fires in compartments. The Monte Carlo portion covers the law of large numbers, the central limit theorem, pseudo-random number generation, sampling and scoring, and variance reduction methods. The final portion applies the methods of probabilistic risk assessment to the safety of nuclear facilities from fire and other hazards.
NE 690, Radiation Protection and Shielding Prerequisites: NE 495 Elements of Nuclear Engineering* or equivalent Basic concepts of radiation protection, doses, associated risks, and exposure limits. Review of properties of natural and other radiation sources, and evaluation of internal and external doses. Techniques for shield design including ray, point kernel, and transport theories for both neutrons and gamma rays.
NE 710, Materials Requirements and Selection for Nuclear Engineering Applications - University of Kansas Selection and use of proper materials in nuclear environments for safe and long-term economical operation, including: available materials and their properties; critical properties required in materials for nuclear applications; materials typically selected for nuclear applications by usage area; selection criteria by application area with consideration for cost, safety, and maintenance; selection trade-offs; new and alternative materials for current and new generation reactors; and using NDT and other methods to monitor ongoing materials performance, degradation, and maintenance needs.
NE 712, Effects of Irradiation on Electronic Materials and Devices - University of Kansas This course is designed to discuss the effects of nuclear radiation on electronics which would be used in a nuclear environment, with an eye toward enhancing safe and long-term economical operation. The course will provide better knowledge of nuclear-related electronics.
NE 737, Intermediate Radiation Measurement Applications Prerequisites: NE 495 Elements of Nuclear Engineering* or equivalent This course is concerned with the principles used in medical and non-medical measurement applications of ionizing radiation. It will cover the theory of radio-gauging, radio-tracing, quantitative analysis, imaging, and scanning, as well as physical principles and mathematical modeling of measurement systems.
ME 760, Engineering Analysis I Prerequisites: MATH 240 Elementary Differential Equations or equivalent Methods of analysis employed in the solution of problems selected from various branches of engineering. Emphasis is on discrete systems.
NE 761, Radiation Measurement Systems Prerequisites: NE 612 Principals of Radiation Detection or equivalent Principles of systems used to measure radiation. Applications to radiation monitoring, dosimetry, and spectroscopy.
ME 777, Monte Carlo for Engineers Prerequisites: NE 495 Elements of Nuclear Engineering* or equivalent This course is concerned with the methods of Monte Carlo simulation. Approximately half the course will be devoted to developing the generic methods of Monte Carlo for estimation of integrals and for solving direct and inverse problems. The second half of the course will focus on application of Monte Carlo methods to solution of linear operator equations and particle transport.
NE 799, Special Topics in Nuclear Engineering Prerequisites: Graduate standing Topical material of importance in nuclear engineering, such as reactor operation, reactor dynamics, thermal hydraulics, controlled thermonuclear reactions, numerical analysis, effects of nuclear explosions, and so forth.
NE 802, Nuclear Reactor Engineering - University of Texas This online 3-credit course reviews the physics governing nuclear reactors and the design principles for commercial nuclear power plants. The course focus is on reactor designs currently operating in the power industry. However, Generation III and Generation IV reactor designs are also discussed. (Available for undergraduate or graduate credit.)
NE 806, Neutronics Prerequisites: NE 630 Nuclear Reactor Theory or equivalent Particle transport, theories of diffusion, numerical analysis of diffusion, transient core analysis.
ME 860, Engineering Analysis II Prerequisites: ME 760 Engineering Analysis I* or equivalent Continuation of Engineering Analysis I. Emphasis placed on continuous systems.